South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
For the Period February 11, 2010, through February 17, 2010
Copies of these items may be found on the PUC Web site at http://www.puc.sd.gov
On February 11, 2010, Northern Natural Gas Company filed a complaint against Zwak Excavating. The Complainant alleges excavation occurred without proper One Call notification.
One Call Executive Director: Larry Janes
Staff Attorney: Kara Semmler
Date Filed: 2/11/10
TC10-017 In the Matter of the Application of Neutral Tandem-South Dakota, LLC to ProvideFacilities-Based and Resold Local Exchange and Interexchange Telecommunications Services.
On February 11, 2010, Neutral Tandem-South Dakota, LLC (Neutral Tandem) filed an application for a certificate of authority to provide local exchange and interexchange services throughout South Dakota by utilizing a combination of resold services and facilities-based services. Neutral Tandem intends to initially offer transport and access services for competitive carriers.
Staff Analyst: Tim Binder
Staff Attorney: Kara Semmler
Date Filed: 02/11/10
Intervention Deadline: 03/12/10
On February 11, 2010, the Commission received a filing for approval of an Interconnection Agreement between Golden West Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc. and Native American Telecom, Inc. for the State of South Dakota. Any party wishing to comment on the Agreement may do so by filing written comments with the Commission and the parties to the Agreement no later than March 3, 2010. Parties to the Agreement may file written responses to the comments no later than twenty days after service of the initial comments.
Staff Attorney: Kara Semmler
Date Filed: 02/11/10
Initial Comments Due: 03/03/10
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