For the Period August 6, 2009 through August 12, 2009
Copies of these items may be found on the PUC Web site at http://www.puc.sd.gov
On August 12, 2009, the Acting Pipeline Safety Program Manager filed with the Commission to request and recommend that a penalty be assessed and compliance order issued to South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline for non-compliance in regards to correction of a 2008 pipeline safety inspection item.
Staff Analysts: Nathan Solem/Stacy Splittstoesser
Staff Attorney: Kara Semmler
Date Filed: 08/12/09
Intervention Deadline: 09/04/09
TC09-083 In the Matter of the Application of WideVoice Communications, Inc. for a Certificate of Authority to Provide Interexchange Telecommunications Services and Local Exchange Services in South Dakota.
Application by WideVoice Communications, Inc. for a certificate of authority to enter the South Dakota market as a provider of local and interexchange service, as well as switched access service, long distance resale, advanced services and high speed digital service. WideVoice specifically requests authority to operate as a provider of facilities-based and resale local exchange telecommunications services in eligible interconnection areas in South Dakota, Qwest's incumbent local exchange areas, as well as authority to offer interexchange interLATA and intraLATA services statewide.
Staff Analyst: Dave Jacobson
Staff Attorney: Kara Semmler
Date Filed: 08/11/09
Intervention Deadline: 08/28/09
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