For the Period July 23, 2009 through July 29, 2009
Copies of these items may be found on the PUC Web site at http://www.puc.sd.gov
Application by Otter Tail Power Company for approval of revisions to its South Dakota rate brochures on less than 30 days notice. Otter Tail is correcting the late payment charge on the Residential Service, Farm Service, and Commercial and General Service rate brochures. The revisions also remove a typographical error under the Fixed Time of Delivery section on the Commercial and General Service rate brochure. Otter Tail is currently distributing the revised brochure.
Staff Analyst: Jon Thurber
Staff Attorney: Kara Semmler
Date Filed: 07/24/09
Intervention Deadline: 08/07/09
On July 28, 2009, Basin Electric Power Cooperative filed an application for an energy conversion facility permit for the Deer Creek Station project located 12 miles northeast of Brookings, South Dakota. The project consists of a 300 net megawatt combined-cycle natural gas conversion facility and associated 1.25 mile water pipeline and 0.75 mile electric transmission line. Construction of this $393 million project is anticipated to begin in July 2010 with startup in June 2012. The project will help serve the increased generation demand for electric power in the eastern portion of Basin Electric's service area. An associated siting application for a 13.2 mile natural gas pipeline for the project has been filed separately.
Staff Analysts: Nathan Solem/Brian Rounds/Stacy Splittstoesser/Tim Binder
Staff Attorney: Karen Cremer
Date Filed: 07/28/09
Intervention Deadline: 09/28/09
On July 28, 2009, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. (Basin) filed a siting permit application for the Deer Creek energy conversion facility (EL09-015) and a natural gas pipeline to support the Deer Creek facility. Basin is proposing to construct, own, and operate a natural gas pipeline to support a proposed 300-megawatt combined-cycle natural gas energy conversion facility called the Deer Creek Station. The proposed 13.2 mile pipeline route will traverse about 18 sections of land located in Brookings and Deuel counties. The proposed pipeline diameter is 10.75 inches with an operating pressure ranging between 475 – 1,435 pounds per square inch gauge (psig). Construction is proposed to begin in July 2010 with start up in June 2012.
Staff Analysts: Nathan Solem/Brian Rounds/Stacy Splittstoesser/Tim Binder
Staff Attorney: Karen Cremer
Date Filed: 07/28/09
Intervention Deadline: 09/28/09
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