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South Dakota Public Utilities Commission

For the Period of February 8, 2007 through February 14, 2007 

Copies of these items may be found on the PUC Web site at


TC07-009          In the Matter of the Filing by Level 3 Communications, LLC for a Continuation of an Exemption from Developing Company Specific Cost-Based Switched Access Rates. 

           On November 13, 2003, the Commission issued an order granting Level 3 Communications, LLC (Level 3) an exemption from filing company specific cost-based switched access rates and allowed Level 3 to mirror the Qwest rates.  On February 8, 2007, Level 3 filed a petition requesting a continuation of that exemption.

Staff Analyst:  Keith Senger
Staff Attorney:  Kara Van Bockern
Dated Filed:  02/08/07
Intervention Deadline:  03/02/07 

TC07-010          In the Matter of the Filing for Approval of an Amendment to an Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and MCImetro Access Transmission Services, LLC.   

On February 9, 2007, the Commission received a filing for the approval of a Triennial Review Order and Triennial Remand Order Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and MCImetro Access Transmission Services, LLC for the State of South Dakota.  Any party wishing to comment on the Agreement may do so by filing written comments with the Commission and the parties to the Agreement no later than March 1, 2007.  Parties to the Agreement may file written responses to the comments no later than twenty days after service of the initial comments.   

Staff Attorney:  Kara Van Bockern
Date Filed:  02/09/07
Initial Comments Due:   03/01/07

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