Commission Weekly Filings | previous page
South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
For the Period of September 21, 2006 through September 27, 2006
Copies of these items may be found on the PUC Web site at
On September 22, 2006, Basin Electric Power Cooperative filed a letter of intent to construct an additional 100 MW gas turbine at an existing site five miles south of Groton. The construction phase of the proposed project will take 12 to 15 months.
Staff Analysts: Martin Bettmann and Nathan Solem
Staff Attorney: Kara Van Bockern
Date Filed: 09/22/06
On September 26, 2006 the South Dakota One Call Notification Board received a filing of a complaint by Marty Huether of Golden West Telecommunications against Rex Gilles of 415 Crown Street, Wall, South Dakota. According to the complaint, Mr. Gilles was digging at Section 31, Township 12N, Range16E, Wall, South Dakota, without first obtaining a valid locate request and he cut through 2 pair cable owned by Golden West.
One Call Executive Director: Larry Englerth
Staff Attorney: Kara Van Bockern
Date Filed: 09/26/06
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