Commission Weekly Filings | previous page
South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
For the Period of October 28, 2004 through November 3, 2004
If you need a complete copy of a filing faxed, overnight expressed, or mailed to you, please contact Delaine Kolbo within five business days of this report. Phone: 605-773-3201
EL04-033 In the Matter of the Filing by Otter Tail Power Company for Approval of Tariff Revisions.
Application by Otter Tail Power Company (Otter Tail) for approval to revise its tariffed Summary List of Contracts with Deviations. The existing contract with the Town of Revillo will expire on December 1, 2004. Otter Tail states the new agreement does not contain any deviations from Otter Tail's currently filed tariff and therefore requests that reference to a contract with the Town of Revillo be removed from the Summary List of Contracts with Deviations.
Staff Analyst: Dave Jacobson
Staff Attorneys: Karen Cremer/Sara Harens
Date Filed: 11/01/04
Intervention Deadline: 11/19/04
NG04-011 In the Matter of the Filing by MidAmerican Energy Company for Approval of Tariff Revisions.
Application by MidAmerican Energy Company to eliminate maximum volumetric limits for participation in the Monthly Metered Transportation Gas Pilot Project. MidAmerican has become aware of several schools which wish to participate in the project but whose usage exceeds the current limits. With this change, these larger schools would be able to participate.
Staff Analyst: Dave Jacobson
Staff Attorney: Karen Cremer
Date Filed: 11/03/04
Intervention Deadline: 11/19/04
TC04-213 In the Matter of the Filing by Brookings Municipal Utilities d/b/a Swiftel Communications for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier.
On October 28, 2004, Brookings Municipal Utilities d/b/a Swiftel Communications (Brookings) filed a Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) for wireless personal communications service (PCS) operations in South Dakota. Brookings is authorized by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as a wireless PCS carrier in the partitioned area of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Trading Area (MTA), MTA012, which encompasses Brookings, Lake, Lincoln, McCook, Minnehaha, Moody, Turner, Clark, Codington, Deuel, Grant, Hamlin, and Roberts counties; in the Sioux Falls Basic Trading Area (BTA), BTA422; in the Watertown BTA 464; in the partitioned area of the Des Moines-Quad Cities, Iowa MTA032 which encompasses Bon Homme, Clay, Union, and Yankton counties; and in the Sioux City, Iowa BTA421. Brookings requests that it be designated as an ETC in portions of its FCC authorized service area. For the local exchange carrier wire centers that are only partially covered by Brookings' authorized service area, Brookings requests that the Commission designate as an ETC the portion of the wire center where Brookings is authorized to provide service. For wire centers which overlap into South Dakota, Brookings requests that the Commission designate Brookings in the portion of those wire centers that are within South Dakota.
Staff Analyst: Harlan Best
Staff Attorney: Karen Cremer
Date Filed: 10/28/04
Intervention Deadline: 11/19/04
On November 2, 2004, GE Business Productivity Solutions, Inc. (GEBPS) and Business Productivity Solutions, Inc. (BPS) notified the Commission of an impending transaction involving the transfer of substantially all of the assets of GEBPS, including the GEBPS customer base, to BPS without interruption of service. BPS requests that the Commission grant BPS authority to provide long distance service so that BPS can provide service to the existing customers of GEBPS. GEBPS requests that the certificate of authority be discontinued as of the date of the customer transfer.
Staff Analyst: Harlan Best
Staff Attorney: Sara B. Harens
Date Filed: 11/02/04
Intervention Deadline: 11/19/04
On November 3, 2004, the Commission received a filing for the approval of Terms and Conditions for Interconnection, Unbundled Network Elements, Ancillary Services, and Resale of Telecommunication Services between Qwest Corporation and BullsEye Telecom, Inc. According to the parties, the Agreement "is a negotiated agreement which sets forth the terms, conditions and prices under which Qwest will provide BullsEye network interconnection, access to the unbundled network elements, ancillary services and telecommunications services available for resale within the geographical areas in which Qwest is providing local exchange service at that time, and for which Qwest is the incumbent local exchange carrier within the state of South Dakota, for purposes of providing local telecommunications services." Any party wishing to comment on the Agreement may do so by filing written comments with the Commission and the parties to the Agreement no later than November 23, 2004. Parties to the Agreement may file written responses to the comments no later than twenty days after the service of the initial comments.
Staff Attorney: Sara B. Harens
Date Filed: 11/03/04
Initial Comments Due: 11/23/04
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