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South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
For the Period of October 25, 2001 through October 31, 2001

If you need a complete copy of a filing faxed, overnight expressed, or mailed to you, please contact Delaine Kolbo within five business days of this filing. Phone: 605-773-3705 Fax: 605-773-3809


CT01-048 In the Matter of the Complaint filed by Gary and Rita Stewart, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, against Sprint Communications Company L.P. Regarding Unauthorized Switching of Services.

Complainants state that their long distance service was switched without their authorization. Complainants request that they be awarded $1,000.00 for the unauthorized switch as allowed under South Dakota law. They also request compensation for the switching fees and payment for any and all expenses incurred to attend a hearing on this matter.

Staff Analyst: Mary Healy
Staff Attorney: Karen Cremer
Date Docketed: 10/30/01
Intervention Deadline: N/A


TC01-164 In the Matter of the Application of Contact Communications, Inc. for a Certificate of Authority to Provide Local Exchange Services in South Dakota.

On October 25, 2001, Contact Communications, Inc. filed an application seeking a Certificate of Authority
to provide basic local exchange telecommunication services at locations in South Dakota served by Qwest. The applicant proposes to provide digital subscriber line (DSL) service to customers on a retail basis. The applicant also intends to act as a wholesaler of service to ISPs through individual contracts.

Staff Analyst: Heather Forney
Staff Attorney: Kelly Frazier
Date Docketed: 10/25/01
Intervention Deadline: 11/16/01

TC01-165 In the Matter of the Analysis into Qwest Corporation's Compliance with Section 271(c) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.

On October 25, 2001, Qwest Corporation filed with the Commission a Petition For Commission Recommendation That The Federal Communications Commission Grant Qwest Corporation Entry Into The In-Region InterLATA Market Under Section 271 Of The Telecommunications Act Of 1996. Specifically, Qwest Corporation requests that this Commission find, based upon the record presented, that Qwest Corporation has met the competitive checklist and other requirements of 47 U.S.C. Section 271, which prescribe the mechanism by which Qwest Corporation may be found eligible to provide in-region interLATA services and rely upon that finding to provide a favorable recommendation to the Federal Communications Commission. In support of its petition, Qwest Corporation submitted 25 affidavits, a revised Statement of Generally Available Terms, and 7 Reports submitted in the Seven-State Process.

Staff Analyst: Harlan Best
Staff Attorney: Karen Cremer
Date Docketed: 10/25/01
Intervention Deadline: 11/16/01

TC01-166 In the Matter of the Application of United Systems Access Telecom, Inc. for a Certificate of Authority to Provide Interexchange Telecommunications Services in South Dakota.

United Systems Access Telecom, Inc. is seeking a Certificate of Authority to provide resold interexchange telecommunication services in South Dakota.

Staff Analyst: Keith Senger
Staff Attorney: Kelly Frazier
Date Docketed: 10/26/01
Intervention Deadline: 11/16/01

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