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South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
State Capitol 500 E. Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-5070
Phone: (800) 332-1782
Fax: (605) 773-3809
These are the telecommunications service filings that the Commission has received for the period of: 06/13/97 through 06/19/97
If you need a complete copy of a filing faxed, overnight expressed, or mailed to you, please contact Delaine Kolbo within five days of this filing.
Date Filed: 06/13/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Applicant seeks authority to originate and terminate "intrastate, intraLATA and interLATA calls of business and residential customers, to operate as a Travel and Debit (Prepaid Caling) Card reseller, and to provide COCOT/COPT service."
Date Filed: 06/17/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Applicant seeks authority to provide local telecommunications services and interexchange telecommunications services. The Applicant will not offer any local telecommunications services within a Rural Telephone Company service area without seeking separate Commission authority.
Date Filed: 06/19/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Applicant "intends to subscribe to and resell all forms of inter-exchange and intra-exchange telecommunications services in the state of South Dakota, including local dial tone services, Message Telephone Service, Wide Area Telephone Service, WATS-like services, foreign exchange service, private lines, tie lines, access service, cellular service, local switched service and other services and facilities of communications common carriers and othe entities."
Date Filed: 06/19/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Intrastate Telephone Company is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges in South Dakota: Bradley (784), Castlewood (793), Clark (532), Florence (758), Hayti (783), Lake Norden (785), Waubay (947), Webster (345), Willow Lake (625) and Bryant (628). Intrastate Telephone Company, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/KC)
Date Filed: 06/13/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Interstate Telecommunications Cooperative is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges in South Dakota: Goodwin (795), Clear Lake (874), Gary (272), Estelline (873), Brandt (876), Astoria (832), Toronto (794), West Hendricks (479), Elkton (542), White (629), Brookings Rural (693), Sinai (826), Nunda/Rutland (586), Wentworth (483) and Chester (489). Interstate Telecommunications Cooperative, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/KC)
Date Filed: 06/13/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
West River Telephone is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges: Bison (244), Buffalo (375), Camp Crook (605-797) and (406-972), Meadow (788) and Sorum (866). West River Telephone, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/KC)
Date Filed: 06/16/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Stateline is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges: Newell (456), Nisland (257) and Lemmon (605-374) and (701-376). Stateline, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/KC)
Date Filed: 06/16/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Accent is the facilities-based exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges: Bristol (492), Doland (635), Frederick (329), Hecla (994), North Hecla (701-992) and Mellette (887). Accent, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/CH)
Date Filed: 06/17/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
James Valley Cooperative Telephone Company is the facilities-based exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges in South Dakota: Andover (298), Claremont (294), Columbia (396), Conde (382), Ferney (395), Groton (397), Houghton (885) and Turton (897). James Valley Cooperative Telephone Company, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/CH)
Date Filed: 06/17/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Heartland Communications is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges in South Dakota: Platte/Geddes (337). Heartland Communications, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/CH)
Date Filed: 06/17/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Midstate Telephone Company is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges in South Dakota: Academy (726), Delmont (779), Ft. Thompson (245), Gann Valley (293), Kimball (778), New Holland (243), Pukwana (894), Stickney (732) and White Lake (249). Midstate Telephone Company, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/CH)
Date Filed: 06/17/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Baltic Telecom Cooperative is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges: Baltic (529) and Crooks (543). Baltic Telecom Cooperative, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/KC)
Date Filed: 06/17/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
East Plains Telecom, Inc. is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges: Alcester (934), Hudson (984), and East Hudson (712-982). East Plains Telecom, Inc., to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/KC)
Date Filed: 06/17/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Western Telephone is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges: Cresbard (324), Faulkton (598) and Orient (392). Western Telephone, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/KC)
Date Filed: 06/17/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Stockholm is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges in South Dakota: Stockholm-Strandburg (676, Revillo (623) and South Shore (756). Stockholm, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/KC)
Date Filed: 06/17/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Kennebec Telephone Co. is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges: Kennebec (869) and Presho (895). Kennebec Telephone Co., to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/CH)
Date Filed: 06/18/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Jefferson Telephone Co., Inc. is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchange: Jefferson (966). Jefferson Telephone Co., Inc., to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/CH)
Date Filed: 06/18/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Sully Buttes Telephone is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges: West Onida (264), Hitchcock (266), Seneca (436), Tolstoy (442), Onaka (447), Wessington (458), Langford (493), Rosholt (537), Tulare (596), Highmore (852), Harrold (875), Ree Heights (943), Hoven (948), Blunt (962) and East Onida (973). Sully es Telephone, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/CH)
Date Filed: 06/19/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Venture Communications is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges: Onida (258), Bowdle (285), Roscoe (287), Pierpont (325), Britton (448), Britton, ND (701-443), Roslyn (486), Wessington Springs (539), Selby (649), Gettysburg (765) and Lebanon (768). Venture Communications, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/CH)
Date Filed: 06/19/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
SANCOM is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges in South Dakota: Wolsey (883), Parkston (928) and Tripp (935). SANCOM, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/CH)
Date Filed: 06/19/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Sanborn Telephone is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges in South Dakota: Ethan (227), Mt Vernon (236), Letcher (248), Forestburg (495), Artesian (527), Woonsocket (796) and Alpena (849). Sanborn Telephone, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/CH)
Date Filed: 06/19/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Beresford Tel. is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchange: Beresford (763). Beresford Tel., to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/KC)
Date Filed: 06/19/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Roberts County Telephone Cooperative Association is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges: North New Effington, ND (701-634), New Effington (637) and Claire City (652). Roberts County Telephone Cooperative Association, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/KC)
Date Filed: 06/19/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
RC Communications is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges: North Veblen, ND (701-634), Wilmot (938), Peever (932), Veblen (738) and Summit (398). RC Communications, to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/KC)
Date Filed: 06/19/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Splitrock Properties, Inc. is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges in South Dakota: Howard/Carthage (772) and Oldham/Ramona (482). Splitrock Properties, Inc., to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/KC)
Date Filed: 06/19/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Splitrock Telecom Cooperative, Inc. is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges: Brandon (582) and Garretson (605-594) and (507-597). Splitrock Telecom Cooperative, Inc., to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/KC)
Date Filed: 06/19/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Tri-County Telecom, Inc. is the facilities-based local exchange carrier presently providing local exchange telecommunications services in the following exchanges in South Dakota: Clayton (825) and Emery (443). Tri-County Telecom, Inc., to its knowledge, is the only carrier today providing local exchange telecommunications services in the above identified exchange areas. (Staff: HB/CH)
Date Filed: 06/19/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
"This Agreement was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996....KJAM Mobile Paging and U S WEST further request that the Commission approve this Agreement without a hearing and without allowing the intervention of other parties. Because this Agreement was reached through voluntary negotiations, it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a part of the negotiations. Expeditious approval would further the public interest."
Date Filed: 06/16/97
Intervention Deadline: 07/07/97
Date Filed: 06/17/97
Intervention Deadline: NA
East Plains Telecom, Inc. on June 13, 1997.