CONTACT: Leah Mohr, South Dakota Public Utilities Commission, (605) 773-3201 or (605) 280-4327
South Dakota PUC seeks information from
grain buyer Green Leaf Commodities
PIERRE, S.D. — The South Dakota Public Utilities Commission wants Green Leaf Commodities to respond to the PUC regarding the company’s alleged failure to provide information requested by the PUC staff. The PUC took official action at its regular meeting today, March 1, ordering Green Leaf Commodities to show cause why the commission should not assess a civil monetary fine against the company.
PUC staff began investigating Green Leaf Commodities after receiving inquiries about its licensing status and non-payment complaints. Green Leaf Commodities operates in Rapid City, South Dakota, and is owned by Kent D. Anderson. PUC staff has discovered other businesses affiliated with Anderson and has reason to believe these entities may have purchased grain in South Dakota.
South Dakota state law requires grain buyers that purchase $300,000 or more worth of grain directly from producers in a calendar year or purchase grain for resale be licensed by the PUC. Licensed facilities are further required to post a bond with the commission and provide regular reports of their financial condition. As an unlicensed facility, Green Leaf Commodities has no bond with the PUC nor has it revealed its financial condition, thereby increasing risk to grain sellers who transact business with the company.
“It’s important the PUC act quickly within our authority to protect all grain producers,” stated PUC Chairman Gary Hanson. “This show cause order is a first step in the process to ascertain the necessary information to correct any wrongdoing,” Hanson said.
The commission’s action today was preceded by Green Leaf Commodities’ alleged failure to respond to PUC staff’s numerous requests to perform an inspection to determine if the company meets the criteria to hold a grain buyer license. Green Leaf Commodities has also allegedly refused to produce financial documents for the PUC staff’s review.
PUC Vice Chairman Chris Nelson noted the absence of Green Leaf Commodities at the commission’s meeting. “Green Leaf management had the opportunity to appear before the commission today to discuss this matter and they chose not to,” Nelson said. “I support the staff’s efforts to continue this investigation.”
“I encourage grain sellers to be vigilant about who they do business with,” suggested PUC Commissioner Kristie Fiegen. “Know if the buyer you are selling to is licensed and bonded according to law,” she said.
The PUC issued 327 licenses in 2018 to state-licensed facilities, federally-licensed facilities, non-storage facilities-based grain buyers, processors, truckers and brokers. A current list of licensed facilities can be accessed on the PUC’s website at www.puc.sd.gov/warehouse.
This docket can be viewed on the PUC’s website at www.puc.sd.gov, Commission Actions, Commission Dockets, Grain Warehouse Dockets, 2019 Grain Warehouse Dockets, GW19-001 - In the Matter of Green Leaf Commodities, LLC’s Failure to Timely Respond Pursuant to SDCL 49-45-26.