FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009
CONTACT: Leah Mohr, South Dakota Public Utilities Commission, (605) 773-3201 or (605) 280-4327
PUC to hear public comments about Black Hills Power
proposed rate increase Nov. 24
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Public Utilities Commission will hold a public input meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2009, at the Journey Museum in Rapid City to hear comments about the electric rate increase proposed by Black Hills Power. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. (MST) in the Wells Fargo Theater at the Journey Museum, 222 New York St. The meeting will adjourn at the conclusion of comments from all persons who have arrived before 9 p.m.
Black Hills Power has applied to the PUC for approval to increase rates by approximately $32 million annually or approximately 26.6 percent based on the company's test year ending June 30, 2009. Black Hills Power has indicated a typical residential electric customer using 600 kWh per month would see a net increase of $17.99 per month. The proposed rates may potentially affect approximately 64,100 customers in Black Hills Power's service territory.
The public input meeting will begin with a short presentation by Black Hills Power following which PUC Commissioners Dusty Johnson, Steve Kolbeck and Gary Hanson will hear comments from the public. Representatives of Black Hills Power will be available to address specific questions.
The PUC also accepts written comments from the public to be considered by commissioners and entered into the public record online at www.puc.sd.gov. Such comments may be e-mailed to the commission at puc@state.sd.us or sent or hand-delivered to the PUC office at 500 E. Capitol Ave., Pierre, SD 57501. Submissions should include the commenter's full name, mailing address and telephone number.
Visit South Dakota Public Utilities Commission docket EL09-018 online for more information on the Black Hills Power rate increase request and related filings submitted to the commission. The company also has information about its rate request on its Web site at www.BlackHillsPower.com.