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CONTACT: Patricia Van Gerpen, South Dakota Public Utilities Commission, telephone (605) 773-3201

Citizens, legislators and utilities invited to renewable energy tracking meeting

Legislators, interested citizens, and energy company representatives are encouraged to join

South Dakota's Public Utilities Commissioners and Midwest Renewable Energy Tracking System experts at 1:30 p.m. Dec. 19 at the State Capitol, Pierre to discuss a tracking program for the state.

M-RETS is a regional program being created by five states and one province: Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin and Manitoba. The primary purpose of the meeting is to discuss the merits of South Dakota participating in M-RETS. This credit tracking system is designed to benefit the development of renewable electric energy technologies.

Experts who will be addressing meeting attendees include Bill Grant of the Izaak Walton League of America and Ron Rebenitsch of Basin Electric Power Cooperative. South Dakota's three Public Utilities Commissioners, Gary Hanson, Bob Sahr and Dustin Johnson, will lead the discussion with these industry experts.

The meeting will be held in Legislative Research Council Conference Rooms 1 and 2 in the

State Capitol and the meeting is expected to end by 3 p.m. The public is invited to listen to the presentations and discussion via a Web cast which can be accessed at .

Those requesting more information on the meeting should contact the PUC by calling (800) 332-1782 or e-mailing  

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