TC20-021 - In the Matter of the Request of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Minnesota, LLC for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Area: 361123)
Date Filed: 06/24/20 ♦ Intervention Date: 07/10/20 ♦
Date of Notice of Filing: 06/25/20 ♦ Docket Closed: 10/08/20
August 4, 2020, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of August 4, 2020, Commission Meeting
Orders: Filed Documents:
- 06/24/20 - Citizens Telecommunications Company of Minnesota, LLC's Letter regarding ETC Certification Waiver
- 07/06/20 - Citizens Telecommunications Company of Minnesota, LLC’s response to Staff’s First Data Request
- 07/16/20 - Citizens Telecommunications Company of Minnesota, LLC’s response to Staff’s Second Data Request
- 09/30/20 - PUC's Letter to USAC and FCC regarding Annual State Certification of Support for Eligible Telecommunications Carriers and List of Certified Carriers for 2021
- 10/08/20 - Commission Counsel’s Email regarding Amended List
- 10/08/20 - Docket Closed