TC18-057 - In the Matter of the Application of Crown Castle Fiber LLC for a Certificate of Authority to Provide Local Exchange and Interexchange Long Distance Services in South Dakota
Date Filed: 09/10/18 ♦ Intervention Deadline: 09/28/18 ♦
Date of Notice of Filing: 09/13/18 ♦ Docket Closed: 12/19/18
Date of Notice of Filing: 09/13/18 ♦ Docket Closed: 12/19/18
December 11, 2018, Agenda of Commission Meeting
October 16, 2018, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of December 11, 2018 Commission Meeting
Minutes of October 16, 2018 Commission Meeting
- 10/23/18 - Order Granting Intervention (SDTA)
- 12/18/18 - Order Granting Certificate of Authority; Order Granting Joint Stipulation; Order Granting Waiver
- 09/10/18 - Crown Castle Fiber LLC's Letter regarding Application
- Application of Crown Castle Fiber LLC
- List of Exhibits
- Exhibit A - Formation Documents of Crown Fiber
- Exhibit B - Ownership Structure of Crown Fiber
- Exhibit C - Certification of Authority to Transact Business of Crown Fiber
- Exhibit D - Information on Crown Fiber State Authorizations
- Exhibit E - Management Biographies of Crown Fiber
- Exhibit F - Financial Information of CCIC
- Exhibit G - Company Brochure and Marketing Materials
- Verification
- Application of Crown Castle Fiber LLC
- 09/11/18 - Receipt Confidential (not available to the public)
- 09/28/18 - SDTA's Letter regarding Petition to Intervene
- 10/03/18 - Crown Castle Fiber LLC's Letter regarding Notice of Application and Certificate of Service
- 10/09/18 - Crown Castle Fiber LLC's Letter regarding Responses to Staff's Data Request 1 and Certificate of Service
- 11/30/18 - Notice of Proposed Pro Forma Consolidation Affecting Crown Castle NG Central LLC and Crown Castle Fiber LLC
- 12/04/18 - Crown Castle Fiber LLC's Letter regarding Stipulation and Certificate of Service
- 12/19/18 - Docket Closed
- 2019 Info TC33 - Crown Castle NG Central LLC's Letter regarding Withdrawal of Certificate of Authority
Date Filed: 02/04/19