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Ms. Patricia Van Gerpen
Executive Director
South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
500 E. Capitol Ave.
Pierre, SD  57501
(605) 773-3201 - voice

Ms. Kristen Edwards
Staff Attorney
South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
500 E. Capitol Ave.
Pierre, SD  57501
(605) 773-3201 - voice

Mr. Joseph Rezac
Staff Analyst
South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
500 E. Capitol Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501  
(605) 773-3201 - voice

Mr. Scott Bostrom
Roberts County Telephone Cooperative Association
205 Main St.
P.O. Box 197
New Effington, SD 57255-0197
(605) 637-5211 - voice

Mr. Dennis J. Fogland - Representing: Roberts County Telephone Cooperative Association and RC Communications, Inc
Baird Holm LLP
Ste. 1500
1700 Farnam St.
Omaha, NE 68102-2068
(402) 344-0500 - voice

Ms. Stephanie A. Mattoon - Representing: Roberts County Telephone Cooperative Association and RC Communications, Inc
Baird Holm LLP
Ste. 1500
1700 Farnam St.
Omaha, NE 68102-2068
(402) 344-0500 - voice