TC12-134 - In the Matter of the Filing by TC Systems, Inc. for Approval of its Access Service Tariff
Date Filed: 09/11/12 ♦ Intervention Deadline: 09/28/12 ♦ Docket Closed: 01/30/13
Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filing 09/06/12 to 09/12/12
January 15, 2013, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of January 15, 2013, Commission Meeting
- 09/11/12 - TC Systems, Inc.'s Letter regarding its Access Service Tariff
- 01/04/13 - TC Systems, Inc.'s Letter regarding Response to Staff's Data Request 1
- 01/07/13 - TC Systems, Inc.'s Letter regarding Revised Tariff Pages
- 01/17/13 - TC Systems, Inc.'s Letter regarding its Access Tariff Pages
- 01/30/13 - Docket Closed