TC12-100 -
In the Matter of the Request for Termination of the Wholesale Service Order Charge Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. dab PAETEC Business Services dba Windstream Communications for the State of South Dakota
Date Filed: 06/21/12 ♦ Initial Comments Due: 07/11/12 ♦ Docket Closed: 09/06/12
Weekly Filing:
Amended Weekly Filing 06/21/12 to 06/27/12 (Docket TC12-103 was omitted from the original Weekly Filing 06/21/12 to 06/27/12)
August 28, 2012, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of August 28, 2012, Commission Meeting
- 06/21/12 - Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC's Letter regarding Termination of the Wholesale Service Order Charge Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. dab PAETEC Business Services dba Windstream Communications for the State of South Dakota
- 09/06/12 - Docket Closed