Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filing 05/17/12 to 05/23/12
July 30, 2013, Agenda of Commission Meeting
August 28, 2012, Agenda to Commission Meeting
July 31, 2012 Agenda to Commission Meeting
July 3, 2012, Agenda to Commission Meeting
June 5, 2012, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of July 30, 2013, Commission Meeting
Minutes of August 28, 2012, Commission Meeting
Minutes of July 31, 2012, Commission Meeting
Minutes of July 3, 2012, Commission Meeting
Minutes of June 5, 2012, Commission Meeting
Hearing shall be held commencing at 9:00 a.m., with marking of exhibits to begin at 8:30a.m., on Wednesday, February 27, 2013, in Room 132 of the State Capitol, 500 E. Capitol Ave, Pierre, South Dakota the
Second Floor Conference Room, Dolly-Reed Plaza, 711 E. Wells Ave., Pierre, South Dakota.
- Order for and Notice of Procedural Schedule and Hearing
- Amended Order for and Notice of Procedural Schedule and Hearing
- Order for and Notice of Cancellation and Continuance of Hearing
- Order Granting Intervention (AT&T Communications of the Midwest, Inc.)
- Order Approving Tariff Revisions
- Order Approving Tariff Subject to Retroactive Adjustment
- Order for and Notice of Procedural Schedule and Hearing
- Amended Order for and Notice of Procedural Schedule and Hearing
- Order for and Notice of Cancellation and Continuance of Hearing
- Order Granting Motion to Withdraw Intervention and Closing Docket
- 05/18/12 - LECA's Letter regarding Revised Access Service Tariff Pages
- Tariff Pages
- Attachment A
- Attachment B
- Attachment C Confidential (not available to the public)
- 05/30/12 - Petition to Intervene (AT&T Communications of the Midwest, Inc.)
- 06/28/12 - LECA's Letter regarding Response to Staff's Data Request 1
and 2
- Response to Staff's Data Request 1 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Response to Staff's Data Request 2 Confidential (not available to the public)
- 07/02/12 - LECA's Letter regarding Transitional Rate Calculations Confidential (not available to the public)
- 08/15/12 - LECA's Letter regarding Revised Tariff Page
- 11/29/12 - LECA's Letter regarding Testimonies and Exhibits
- Steve Meyer, Executive Vice President/General Manager of Brookings Municipal Utilities dba Swiftel Communications' Direct Testimony
- Jo Shotwell, Senior Vice President/Business Compliance of CHR Solutions, Inc.'s Direct Testimony (Public Version)
- Jo Shotwell, Senior Vice President/Business Compliance of CHR Solutions, Inc.'s Direct Testimony
Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit A - Local Exchange Carriers Association, Inc. Intrastate Access Services Tariff Purpose and Description of Filing Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit B - 47 CFR 51.903 and 47 CFR 51.909 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit C - Tariff Page Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit D - Transitional Rate Calculations Confidential (not available to the public)
- 12/19/12 - AT&T's Responsive Testimony
- Lawrence J. Bax's Responsive Testimony (Public Version)
- Lawrence J. Bax's Responsive Testimony Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit LJB-1 - Brookings July 2012 Transitional Rate Calculations
- Exhibit LJB-1 - Brookings July 2012 Transitional Rate Calculations Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit LJB-1 - Brookings July 2012 Transitional Rate Calculations Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit LJB-2 - Consolidated Tariffed Rate
- Exhibit LJB-2 - Consolidated Tariffed Rate Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit LJB-3 - LECA Responses to AT&T First Set of Data Requests to LECA
- Exhibit LJB-3 - LECA Responses to AT&T First Set of Data Requests to LECA Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit LJB-4 - LECA Responses to Staff (Public Version)
- Exhibit LJB-4 - LECA Responses to Staff Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit LJB-5 - Tariff Pages (Public Version)
- Exhibit LJB-5 - Tariff Pages Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit LJB-6 - LECA Supplemental Responses to AT&T (Public Version)
- Exhibit LJB-6 - LECA Supplemental Responses to AT&T Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit LJB-7 - LECA's Tariff Pages (23rd Revised Page 17-1 and 23rd Revised Page 17-4) (Public Version)
- Exhibit LJB-7 - LECA's Tariff Pages (23rd Revised Page 17-1 and 23rd Revised Page 17-4) Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit LJB-8 - LECA's Tariff Page (1st Revised Page 6-84) (Public Version)
- Exhibit LJB-8 - LECA's Tariff Page (1st Revised Page 6-84) Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit LJB-9 - Transitional Rate Calculations - Corrected View (Public Version)
- Exhibit LJB-9 - Transitional Rate Calculations - Corrected View Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit LJB-10 - Transitional Rate Calculations Side By Side View (Public Version)
- Exhibit LJB-10 - Transitional Rate Calculations Side By Side View Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit LJB-1 - Brookings July 2012 Transitional Rate Calculations
- Lawrence J. Bax's Responsive Testimony Confidential (not available to the public)
- Lawrence J. Bax's Responsive Testimony (Public Version)
- 01/18/13 - LECA's Letter regarding Rebuttal Testimony
- 02/12/13 - AT&T's Notice of Entry
- 02/12/13 - LECA's Letter regarding Order Admitting Attorney
- 02/27/13 - AT&T's Letter regarding Continuance of Hearing Scheduled for 2/27/13
- 07/22/13 - AT&T's Motion to Withdraw and Certificate of Service
- 08/13/13 - Docket Closed