TC12-012 - In the Matter of NET TALK.COM, INC.'s Failure to Timely Pay the Gross Receipts Tax
Date Filed: 01/05/12 ♦ Hearing Date: 01/30/12 ♦ Docket Closed: 02/06/12
Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filing 01/05/12 to 01/11/12
Hearing: Orders: Filed Documents:- 01/05/12 - Certified Mail Receipt
- 01/13/12 - Return Mail Receipt
- 01/17/12 - Receipt Confidential (not available to the public)
- 01/26/12 - South Dakota Public Utilities Commission Exhibit 1
- 01/30/12 - South Dakota Public Utilities Commission Amended Exhibit 1
- 02/06/12 - Docket Closed