TC10-015 - In the Matter of the Filing by IntelePeer, Inc. for Approval of its Switched Access Services Tariff No. 1
Date Filed: 01/27/10 ♦ Intervention Date: 02/12/10 ♦ Closed Docket: 05/25/10 ♦
Weekly Filing:
Corrected Weekly Filings 01/21/10 to 01/27/10
Weekly Filings 01/21/10 to 01/27/10
May 18, 2010, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of May 18, 2010, Commission Meeting
Open Docket Closed Docket
- 01/27/10 - Letter and Tariff Sheets
- 02/23/10 - Letter and Tariff Sheets
- 05/14/10 - Petition for Exemption from the Cost Support Requirements
- 05/25/10 - Letter and Final Tariff Sheets