TC09-091 – In the Matter of the Application of McCook Cooperative Telephone Company for an Amended Certificate of Authority.
Date Filed: 10/06/09 ♦ Intervention Date: 10/23/09 ♦ Closed Docket: 12/01/09 ♦
Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filings 10/01/09 to 10/07/09
November 24, 2009, Agenda to Commission Meeting
November 10, 2009, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of November 24, 2009, Commission Meeting
Minutes of November 10, 2009, Commission Meeting
Open Docket Closed Docket
- 10/06/09 - Letter and Application
- 10/16/09 - Supplement to Application for Approval of an Amendment to Certificate of Authority
- Exhibit A
- Exhibit B
- Exhibit C
- Exhibit D Confidential (Not Available to the Public)
- 10/30/09 - Letter from Ryan Taylor
- Responses to Data Requests Confidential (Not Available to the the Public)