TC09-008 - In the Matter of the Application of Norlight, Inc. for a Certificate of Authority to Provide Interexchange Telecommunications Services in South Dakota.
Date Filed: 02/25/08 ♦ Intervention Date: 03/13/09 ♦ Closed Docket: 03/31/09 ♦
Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filings 02/19/09 to 02/25/09
March 24, 2009, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of March 24, 2009, Commission Meeting
Orders: Orders are in AdobeAcrobat *.pdf format
Open Docket Closed Docket
- 02/25/09 - Application
- Financial Statement Confidential (Not Available to the Public)
- 02/27/09 - Receipt Confidential (Not Available to the Public)
- 03/31/09 - SD PUC Memorandum
- 2011 Info TC64 - Notification by Norlight, Inc. and Windstream Norlight, Inc. regarding a name change