Commission Dockets | previous page
TC98-186 - In the Matter of the Filing by U S WEST Communications, Inc., for Approval of Interconnection Agreement Between U S WEST Communications, Inc., and Fibercomm, L.C.
Date Filed: 10/23/98 ♦ Docket Closed: 03/30/99
Weekly Filing
Weekly Filings 10/23/98 to 10/29/98
November 25, 1998 10:00 a.m. Commission Meeting
March 25, 1999
November 25, 1998 10:00 a.m. Commission Meeting w/Addendum
Transcript of TC96-184, TC98-151, TC98-137, TC98-156, TC98-189, TC98-192, TC98-193, TC98-199, TC98-112, and TC98-186
March 25, 1999