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TC98-127 - In the Matter of the Complaint Filed by Tel-Save, Inc., Against U S WEST Communications, Inc., Regarding Violation of Sections 201(b) and 202 of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, and Violation of S.D. Codified Laws Section 49-31-11

Date Filed: 07/09/98 ♦ Docket Closed: 08/25/98

Weekly Filing

Telecommunications Filings 07/03/98 to 07/09/98

July 23, 1998 1:30 p.m. Commission Meeting
August 18, 1998 10:00 p.m. Commission Meeting

July 23, 1998 1:30 p.m. Commission Meeting
August 18, 1998 10:00 a.m. Commission Meeting


Complete Docket