PS13-005 - In the Matter of the Filing by Humboldt Municipal Gas Utility for a Waiver of 49-C.F.R. 192.285(a)(2) and C.F.R. 192.285(c)
Date Filed: 06/20/13 ♦ Intervention Date: 07/12/13 ♦ Docket Closed: 08/19/13
August 13, 2013, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of August 13, 2013, Commission Meeting
- 06/20/13 - Humboldt Municipal's Letter requesting a Waiver of 49-C.F.R 192.285(a)(2) and C.F.R. 192.285(c)
- 08/07/13 - Staff's Memorandum regarding Docket
- 08/19/13 - Staff's Letter to US DOT regarding Waiver
- 08/19/13 - Docket Closed
- 11/01/13 - PHMSA's Letter to SD PUC regarding Waiver for Humboldt Municipal Gas Utility
- 07/14/20 - Humboldt Municipal's Notice of Waiver Cancellation