PS13-002 - In the Matter of the Filing by Commission Pipeline Safety Staff for Approval of a Penalty for a Pipeline Safety Violation by
Crooks Municipal Gas
Crooks Municipal Gas
Date Filed: 05/07/13 ♦ Intervention Date: N/A ♦ Docket Closed: 12/19/13
December 17, 2013, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of December 17, 2013, Commission Meeting
- Order for and Notice of Hearing
- Order Canceling Hearing
- Order Approving Stipulation and Dismissing Complaint Without Prejudice
- 05/07/13 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding a Penalty for a Pipeline Safety Violation by Crooks Municipal Gas
- 05/07/13 - Affidavit of Service
- 07/23/13 - PUC's Letter regarding Amended Complaint
- Amended Complaint
- List of Exhibits
- Exhibit C1- Summary of Deficiencies for DIMP Records
- Exhibit C2 - Penalty Calculation Worksheet with Cover Sheet
- Exhibit C3 - Penalty Calculation Worksheet for Leakage Survey
- Exhibit C4 - Penalty Calculation Worksheet for Unqualified Technician
- Exhibit C5 - Penalty Calculation Worksheet for Incorrect Pipeline Markers
- Exhibit C6 - Penalty Calculation Worksheet for Incorrect Welding Procedures
- Exhibit C7 - Penalty Calculation Worksheet for Incorrect Joining Procedures
- Exhibit C8 - Summary of Deficiencies for Inspection Dates: April 9, 2013; May 9, 2013; and May 22, 2013
- Amended Complaint
- 08/30/13 - PUC Staff's Letter to Jonathan M. Oostra regarding Subpoena
- 09/05/13 - Joint Request to Cancel Hearing
- 09/09/13 - Admission of Service
- 12/05/13 - Stipulation and Request for Dismissal Without Prejudice
- 12/19/13 - Docket Closed