PS13-001 - In the Matter of the Filing by Commission Pipeline Safety Staff for Approval of a Penalty for a Pipeline Safety Violation by
Humboldt Municipal Gas Utilities
Humboldt Municipal Gas Utilities
Date Filed: 05/07/13 ♦ Intervention Date: N/A ♦ Docket Closed: 12/19/13
Docket Reopened: 10/16/14 ♦ Answer Deadline: 11/17/14 ♦ Docket Reclosed: 11/17/15
November 12, 2015, Agenda of Commission Meeting
February 13, 2015, Agenda of Commission Meeting
December 17, 2013, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of November 12, 2015, Commission Meeting
Minutes of February 13, 2015, Commission Meeting
Minutes of December 17, 2013, Commission Meeting
- Order Approving Stipulation and Dismissing Complaint Without Prejudice
- 11/17/15 - Order Dismissing Complaint and Closing Docket
- 05/07/13 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding a Penalty for a Pipeline Safety Violation by Humboldt Municipal Gas Utilities
- 05/07/13 - Affidavit of Service
- 07/24/13 - PUC's Letter regarding Amended Complaint
- Amended Complaint
- List of Exhibits
- Exhibit H1 - Summary of Deficiencies for DIMP Records
- Exhibit H2 - Penalty Calculation Worksheet with Cover Sheet
- Exhibit H3 - Summary of Deficiencies for O&M Plan Inspection, Records Inspection, OQ Field Inspection, and Field Inspection
- Exhibit H4 - Summary of Deficiencies for Qualification
- Exhibit H5 - Penalty calculation Worksheet for Odorometer Not Calibrated
- Exhibit H6 - Penalty Calculation Worksheet for Line Markers
- Exhibit H7 - Penalty Calculation Worksheet for Operator Qualification
- Exhibit H8 - Penalty Calculation Worksheet for Welding Procedures
- Exhibit H9 - Penalty Calculation Worksheet for Joining Procedures
- Exhibit H10 - Penalty Calculation for OQ Qualifications
- Amended Complaint
- 12/09/13 - Stipulation and Request for Dismissal Without Prejudice
- 12/19/13 - Docket Closed
- 10/16/14 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Second Amended Complaint
- 11/03/14 - Answer to Second Amended Complaint
- 02/09/15 - Staff's Memorandum regarding Its Position on a Procedural Schedule
- 02/12/15 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Deferal
- 11/02/15 - Motion to Dismiss Second Amended Complaint and Close Docket
- 11/18/15 - Docket Reclosed