GE12-002 - In the Matter of the Filing by MidAmerican Energy Company for the Approval of Its Reconciliation for 2011 and its Proposed
Energy Efficiency Plan for 2012
Energy Efficiency Plan for 2012
Date Filed:02/15/12 ♦ Intervention Date: 03/02/12 ♦ Docket Closed: 03/30/12
Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filing 02/09/12 to 02/15/12
March 13, 2012, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of March 13, 2012, Commission Meeting
- 02/15/12 - MidAmerican Energy Company's Letter regarding Reconciliation for 2011 and its Proposed Energy Efficiency Plan for 2012
- 03/06/12 - PUC Staff Memorandum
- 03/08/12 - MidAmerican Energy Company's Letter regarding Revisions to Reconciliation and Revised Factor Calculation - Electric (Exhibit C (Electric)) and Electric Tariff Page and Redlined Electric Tariff Page
- 03/27/12 - MidAmerican Energy Company's Letter regarding Revised Tariff Page
- 03/30/12 - Docket Closed