EL23-023 – In the Matter of the Joint Service Exception Agreement between Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota Corporation dba Xcel Energy and Sioux Valley Southwestern Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Date Filed: 08/23/23 ♦ Intervention Date: 09/08/23 ♦
Date of Notice of Filing: 08/24/23 ♦ Docket Closed: 10/25/23
Date of Notice of Filing: 08/24/23 ♦ Docket Closed: 10/25/23
October 10, 2023, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of the October 10, 2023, Commission Meeting
- 08/23/23 - Northern States Power Company dba Xcel Energy's Letter regarding Service Exception Agreement
- 09/05/23 - Northern States Power Company dba Xcel Energy's Updated Exhibit B
- 10/25/23 - Docket Closed