EL21-017 - In the Matter of Otter Tail Power Company’s Petition for
Approval of Phase-In Rider Rate
Date Filed: 06/01/21 ♦ Intervention Date: 06/18/21 ♦
Date of Notice of Filing: 06/03/21 ♦ Docket Closed: 09/27/21
June 10, 2021, Agenda of Commission Meeting
August 27, 2021, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of the June 10, 2021, Commission Meeting
Minutes of the August 27, 2021, Commission Meeting
- 06/01/21 - Otter Tail Power Company's Letter regarding Petition for the Phase-In Rider Rate
- Petition for the Phase-In Rider Rate
- Petition for the Phase-In Rider Rate, Confidential Excerpts (not available to the public)
- Request for Confidential Treatment of Information
- Attachments
- Attachment 1 - Revenue Requirements Summary
- Attachment 2 - Rate Design
- Attachment 3 - Tracker Summary
- Attachment 4 - Astoria Station Project Revenue Requirements Calculation
- Attachment 5 - Merricourt Wind Project Revenue Requirements Calculation
- Attachment 6a - Jurisdictional Cost of Service Study Update Due to Load Growth
- Attachment 6a - Jurisdictional Cost of Service Study Update Due to Load Growth Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 6b - Load Growth Forecast
- Attachment 6b - Load Growth Forecast Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 6c - Update to Jurisdictional Allocation Factors Due to Load Growth
- Attachment 6d - Lake Norden Area Growth
- Attachment 6d - Lake Norden Area Growth Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 7 - Hoot Lake Plant Adjustment
- Attachment 8 - ADIT Pro-Rate Projection
- Attachment 9 - Electric Rate Schedule Section 13.09 Redline and Clean
- Attachment 10 - Proposed Customer Notice and Rate Impact
- Attachment 11 - Report to Commission of Tariff Schedule Changes on Notice
- Attachments
- Petition for the Phase-In Rider Rate
- 08/25/21 - Staff Memorandum
- 08/31/21 - Otter Tail Power Company's Letter regarding Revised Tariff Page
- 09/21/21 - Otter Tail Power Company's Responses to Questions from August 27 Commission Meeting (Redline)
- Otter Tail Power Company's Responses to Questions from August 27 Commission Meeting Confidential (not available to the public)
- 09/27/21 - Docket Closed