EL19-036 - In the Matter of the Joint Request for Service Rights Exception between Southeastern Electric Cooperative, Inc. and Douglas Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Date Filed: 10/04/19 ♦ Intervention Date: 10/25/19 ♦
Date of Notice of Filing: 10/10/19 ♦ Docket Closed: 10/31/19
Agendas:Date of Notice of Filing: 10/10/19 ♦ Docket Closed: 10/31/19
October 30, 2019, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of October 30, 2019 Commission Meeting
Orders: Filed Documents:
- 10/04/19 - Exception to Electric Service on Assigned Areas Between Southeastern Electric Cooperative, Inc. and Douglas Electric Cooperative, Inc.
- 10/15/19 - Southeastern Electric Cooperative, Inc. and Douglas Electric Cooperative, Inc.'s Responses to Staff's Data Request 1 (1-1 through 1-2)
- 10/31/19 - Docket Closed