EL18-021 - In the Matter of the Application of Otter Tail Power Company for Authority to Increase Its Electric Rates
Pre-filed Exhibits and Witness Lists for Evidentiary Hearing
- PUC Staff
- Otter Tail Power Company
- 03/25/19 - Otter Tail Power Company's Witness List and Exhibit List and Affidavit of Service
- 03/25/19 - Otter Tail Power Company's Letter regarding Exhibits
- OTP-1 - Robert Hevert Pre-filed Direct Testimony and Schedules
- OTP-2 - Robert Hevert Pre-filed Rebuttal Testimony and Schedules
- OTP-3 - Kevin Moug Pre-filed Direct Testimony and Schedules
- OTP-4 - Kevin Moug Pre-filed Rebuttal Testimony and Schedules
- OTP-5 - Bruce Gerhardson Pre-filed Direct Testimony and Schedules Including Errata
- OTP-6 - Bruce Gerhardson Pre-filed Rebuttal Testimony
- OTP-7 - Kirk Phinney Pre-filed Direct Testimony
- OTP-8 - Stuart Tommerdahl Pre-filed Direct Testimony and Schedules
- Affidavit of Service