EL09-018 – In the Matter of the Application of Black Hills Power, Inc. for Authority to Increase its Electric Rates
Formal Hearing
Capitol Building, Room 414 - Pierre, SD
Capitol Building, Room 414 - Pierre, SD
- June 28, 2010
- Transcript
- Confidential Portion (not available to the public)
- Recording of Morning Hearing
- Confidential Portion (not available to the public)
- Recording of Afternoon Hearing
- Transcript
- June 29, 2010
- Transcript
- Confidential Portion (not available to the public)
- Recording of the Hearing
- Confidential Portion (not available to the public)
- Confidential Portion (not available to the public)
- Confidential Portion (not available to the public)
- Transcript
- July 7, 2010
- Exhibits of Black Hills Power
and Staff
- Joint Exhibit 1 (Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation)
- Joint Exhibit 2 (Settlement Stipulation)
- Joint Exhibit 3 (South Dakota Retail Operations Among Rate Classes Test Period Ended June 30, 2009)
- Joint Exhibit 4 (Transmission Cost Adjustment)
- Joint Exhibit 5 (Fuel and Purchase Power Adjustment)
- Joint Exhibit 6 (Customer Notices)
- Joint Exhibit 7 (Tariff Schedules)
- Exhibits of Black Hills Power
- BHP 1(Notice of Proposed Changes of Rates and Charges Attestation by Chief Accounting Officer)
- BHP 2 (Tariff Sheets as Filed)
- BHP 3 (Comparison of Revenue as Filed)
- BHP 4 (Statements A through R as Filed)
- A (Balance Sheets)
- B (Income Statement)
- C (Retained Earning Statement)
- D (Cost of Plant)
- E (Accumulated Depreciation)
- F (Working Capital)
- G (Rate of Return)
- H (Operation and Maintenance Expense)
- I (Operating Revenues)
- J (Depreciation Expense)
- K (Income Taxes)
- L (Other Taxes)
- M (Overall Cost of Service)
- N (Allocated Cost of Service)
- O (Comparison of Cost of Service)
- P (Fuel Cost Adjustment Factor)
- Q (Description of Utility Operations)
- R (Purchases from Affiliated Companies)
- BHP 5 (Income Taxes, Schedule K-1 and Schedule K-3) Confidential (Not Available to the Public)
- BHP 6 (Workpapers as Filed)
- BHP 7 (Pre-filed Testimony of Stuart A. Wevik)
- BHP 8 (Wevik SAW -1 Black Hills Corporation Entity Organizational Chart)
- BHP 9 (Wevik SAW - 2 List of Black Hills Corporation Business Groups)
- BHP 10 (Pre-filed Testimony of Richard C. Loomis)
- BHP 11 (Pre-filed Testimony of Thomas M. Ohlmacher)
- BHP 12 (Ohlmacher TMO-1- Coal Supply Agreement between BHP and Wyodak Resources)
- BHP 13 (Ohlmacher TMO-2 - Aerial Map for the NSEC showing the Location of Wygen III)
- BHP 14 (Pre-filed Testimony of Jill S. Tietjen)
- BHP 15 (Tietjen JST-1 - Resume, Publications Listing, Testimony Listing)
- BHP 16 (Tietjen JST-2 - 2007 Integrated Resource Plan)
- BHP 17 (Pre-filed Testimony of Jacqueline A. Sargent)
- BHP 18 (Pre-filed Testimony of Mark Lux)
- BHP 19 (Lux ML-1 - Report of Innovative Business Engineering)
- BHP 20 (Lux ML-2 - NERC GADS Report of Availability)
- BHP 21 (Lux ML-3 - Shared Facility Agreement)
- BHP 22 (Lux ML-4 - Major Components of Wygen III)
- BHP 23 (Lux ML-5 - Progress Summary Report Wygen III)
- BHP 24 (Lux ML-6 - Summary of BHEG Experience Constructing Power)
- BHP 25 (Lux ML-7 - News Articles/Reports Regarding Cost Standards for New Construction)
- BHP 26 (Lux ML-8 - Report of Cambridge Energy)
- BHP 27 (Pre-filed Testimony of Christopher J. Kilpatrick)
- BHP 28 (Pre-filed Testimony of William E. Avera)
- BHP 29 (Avera WEA-1 - Qualifications of William E. Avera)
- BHP 30 (Avera WEA-2 - DCF Model - Utility Proxy Group)
- BHP 31 (Avera WEA-3 - Sustainable Growth Rate Utility Proxy Group)
- BHP 32 (Avera WEA-4 - Constant Growth DCF Model Non-Utility Proxy Group)
- BHP 33 (Avera WEA-5 - Sustainable Growth Rate Non-Utility Proxy Group)
- BHP 34 (Avera WEA-6 - Capital Asset Pricing Model Utility Group)
- BHP 35 (Avera WEA-7 - Capital Asset Pricing Model Non-Utility Proxy Group)
- BHP 36 (Avera WEA-8 - Expected Earnings Approach)
- BHP 37 (Avera WEA-9 - Utility Proxy Group Capital Structure)
- BHP 38 (Pre-filed Testimony of Anthony S. Cleberg)
- BHP 39 (Cleberg ACS-1 - Service Agreement - Black Hills Power & Service Company)
- BHP 40 (Cleberg ACS-2 - Service Agreement - Black Hills Power & Utility Holding)
- BHP 41 (Cleberg ACS-3 - Cost Allocation Manual, Service Co.)
- BHP 42 (Cleberg ACS-4 - Cost Allocation Manual, Utility Holding)
- BHP 43 (Cleberg ACS-5 - Black Hills Power Credit Ratings)
- BHP 44 (Cleberg ACS-6 - Weighted Average Cost of Capital Calculation)
- BHP 45 (Pre-filed Testimony of Larry W. Loos)
- BHP 46 (Loos LWL-1 - Report on Depreciation Accrual Rates)
- BHP 47 (Pre-filed Testimony of Michael J. McFadden)
- BHP 48 (McFadden MJM-1 - Resume)
- BHP 49 (McFadden MJM-2 - Schematic of Ratemaking Process)
- BHP 50 (McFadden MJM-3 - Comparison of Billing Units)
- BHP 51 (Pre-filed Testimony of Kyle D. White)
- BHP 52 (Request for Authority to Implement an Interim Rate Increase on April 1, 2010, Pursuant to SDCL 49-34A-17)
- BHP 53 (Certification Regarding In-Service Date of Wygen III)
- BHP 54 (William E. Avera Rebuttal Testimony)
- BHP 55 (Jill S. Tietjen Rebuttal Testimony)
- BHP 56 (Doug A. Buresch Rebuttal Testimony)
- BHP 57 (DAS-1 - Resume)
- BHP 58 (Wygen III Cost Analysis)
- Exhibits of Staff Admitted
- Staff Ex 1 (Staff Memorandum, public version)
- Staff Ex 2 (Staff Memorandum) Confidential (not available to the public)
- Staff Ex 3 (Revenue Requirement, public version)
- Staff Ex 4 (Revenue Requirement) Confidential (not available to the public)
- Staff Ex 5 (Rate Design, public version)
- Staff Ex 6 (Rate Design) Confidential (not available to the public)
- Staff Ex 7 (Rebuttal Testimony and Appendix of George W. Evans)
- Staff Ex 7A (Exhibit GWE-1)
- Exhibits of Residential Consumers Coalition Admitted
- Exhibit RCC 1 (Direct Testimony of Christopher A. James on Behalf of the Residential Consumers Coalition, April 29, 2010)
- Exhibit RCC 2 (Exhibit CAJ-1: Resume of Christopher A. James)
- Exhibit RCC 3 (Exhibit CAJ-2: Scenario Analysis: South Dakota Statewide Energy Savings and Economic Benefits from Energy Efficiency)
- Exhibit RCC 4 (Exhibit CAJ-3: Cost of Energy Efficiency Compared to Costs of New Power Plants and Electricity Rates)
- Exhibit RCC 5 (Exhibit CAJ-4: South Dakota Electricity Consumption Compared with Other States)
- Exhibit RCC 6 (Exhibit CAJ-5: Residential and Commercial Customer Savings from Reducing Energy Consumption 10% and 20% by 2020)
- Exhibit RCC 7 (Exhibit CAJ-6: Cost of Energy Saved v. Percentage of Energy Saved Reported Data from Energy Efficiency Programs)
- Exhibit RCC 8 (CAJ-7: BHP Responses to Data Requests)
- Exhibit RCC 8A (Exhibit CAJ-7, Schedule A: Residential Consumers Coalition Data Request 9)
- Exhibit RCC 8B (Exhibit CAJ-7, Schedule B: Residential Consumers Coalition Data Request 14)
- Exhibit RCC 8C (Exhibit CAJ-7, Schedule C: Residential Consumers Coalition Data Request 15)
- Exhibit RCC 8D (Exhibit CAJ-7, Schedule D: Residential Consumers Coalition Data Request 25)
- Exhibit RCC 8E (Exhibit CAJ-7, Schedule E: Residential Consumers Coalition Data Request 26)
- Exhibit RCC 8F (Exhibit CAJ-7, Schedule F: Residential Consumers Coalition Data Request 29)
- Exhibit RCC 8G (Exhibit CAJ-7, Schedule G: Residential Consumers Coalition Data Request 38)
- Exhibit RCC 8H (Exhibit CAJ-7, Schedule H: Residential Consumers Coalition Data Request 39)
- Exhibit RCC 8I (Exhibit CAJ-7, Schedule I: Black Hills Industrial Intervenors Data Request 107)
- Exhibit RCC 9 (Direct Testimony of David A. Schlissel on Behalf of the Residential Consumers Coalition, April 30, 2010)
- Exhibit RCC 9A (Direct Testimony of David A. Schlissel on Behalf of the Residential Consumers Coalition) Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit RCC 10 (Exhibit DAS-1: Current Resume for David A Schlissel)
- Exhibit RCC 11 (Exhibit DAS-2: Climate Change and Power: Carbon Dioxide Emissions Costs and Electricity Resource Planning)
- Exhibit RCC 12 (Exhibit DAS-3: Synapse 2008 CO2 Price Forecasts)
- Exhibit RCC 13 (Exhibit DAS-4: Don't Get Burned, the Risks of Investing in New Coal-Fired Generating Facilities)
- Exhibit RCC 14 (Exhibit DAS-5: Attachment No. 37.1: to Black Hills Power's Response to Residential Consumers Coalition Data Request No. 37) Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit RCC 15 (Exhibit DAS-6: Attachment No. 24.1: to Black Hills Power's Response to Residential Consumers Coalition Data Request No. 24) Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit RCC 16 (Exhibit DAS-7: Attachment No. 56.1 to
Black Hills Power's Response to Black Hills
Industrial Intervenors Data Request No. 56)
Confidential (not available to the public) - Exhibit RCC 17 (Direct Testimony of Donald L. Frankenfeld on Behalf of Residential Consumers Coalition, April 28, 2010)
- Exhibit RCC 18 (DLF-1: Resume of Donald L. Frankenfeld)
- Exhibit RCC 19 (Energy Efficiency Increase of 1% per year)
- Exhibit RCC 20 (Energy Efficiency Increase of 1.5% per year)
- Exhibit RCC 21 (Impact of EE on Load Shape)