EL09-018 – In the Matter of the Application of Black Hills Power, Inc. for Authority to Increase its Electric Rates.
Comments and Responses
- 09/30/09 - Brett Burden
- 10/01/09 - Leo and Gretchen Jacobson
- 10/01/09 - Jerry Thovson and response from Chairman Johnson
- 10/02/09 - Steven Mitchell
- 10/02/09 - William Tysdal
- 10/02/09 - Ashley Marske
- 10/05/09 - Wesley M. Johnson and response from Chairman Johnson
- 10/05/09 - Allan Rhian and response from Commissioner Kolbeck
- 10/06/09 - Barbara Inman
- 10/07/09 - Cecil Weischedel
- 10/07/09 - Robert Hartshorn
- 10/07/09 - Wayne Calvert
- 10/08/09 - Sandy L. Cleveringa and response from Chaiman Johnson
- 10/09/09 - George A Larson
- 10/14/09 - Orval and Debra Frahm
- 10/16/09 - V.E. Ziebert
- 10/16/09 - Betty Ryan
- 10/19/09 - Fischer Furniture, Inc.
- 10/19/09 - Michael Hudgens
- 10/26/09 - Donald and Carolyn Agate
- 10/28/09 - Leo Herdina
- 11/02/09 - Coca-Cola Bottling Company High Country
- 11/03/09 - Kenneth and Becky Kauffman
- 11/04/09 - DeVonne Snow
- 11/05/09 - Helen Riedlinger
- 11/09/09 - Brent Brudwick
- 11/09/09 - Dave and Karen Webb
- 11/09/09 - Sandi McLain, Big Thunder Gold Mine and Keystone Town Trustee
- 11/09/09 - Darrell Davis
- 11/09/09 - Sharon and Randy Olson, Three Flags RV Park
- 11/09/09 - Jean Martin
- 11/09/09 - Loran Hoch
- 11/09/09 - Stephen Skromeda
- 11/09/09 - Michael Green
- 11/10/09 - Joe Jance
- 11/10/09 - Ken Pollat
- 11/12/09 - Dennis Stoltz and response from Chairman Johnson
- 11/12/09 - David Sandidge
- 11/12/09 - James and Charlotte Johnson
- 11/12/09 - Rebecca Myers
- 11/13/09 - Roger and Sharon Delzer
- 11/13/09 - David Johnson
- 11/13/09 - Tyke Secrest
- 11/13/09 - Linda Palle
- 11/13/09 - Ronald D. Boesch
- 11/13/09 - James and Bonnie Wilcox
- 11/13/09 - Louray and Chuck Donner
- 11/13/09 - Darwin and Jerrilee Hoeft
- 11/13/09 - David Johnson
- 11/16/09 - Dave Peters, Superintendent of Spearfish School District 40-2
- 11/17/09 - Melvin Carlson
- 11/17/09 - Constituent
- 11/17/09 - Donald and Linda Rydstrom
- 11/18/09 - Harley C. Peterson
- 11/18/09 - Edwin & Shirley Noble
- 11/19/09 - Steve Hata and response from Chairman Johnson
- 11/19/09 - Dane A. Goetz and response from Chairman Johnson
- 11/20/09 - Cal Joy and response from Chairman Johnson
- 11/20/09 - Don Atyia and response from Chairman Johnson
- 11/20/09 - Kevin O'Dea
- 11/20/09 - Ione Quenzer
- 11/20/09 - Janice Stewart
- 11/20/09 - Sharon Green
- 11/20/09 - Rex Caldwell
- 11/23/09 - Shirley Nohava
- 11/23/09 - Peg Ryan
- 11/23/09 - Harry Maddux
- 11/24/09 - Mary Wirtz
- 11/24/09 - Trinity United Methodist Church, Finance Chair
- 11/24/09 - Lawrence County Commissioners
- 11/25/09 - Alan Hanks, Mayor of Rapid City
- 11/25/09 - Donald and Norma Young
- 11/25/09 - Richard Opp
- 11/25/09 - Destiny Foursquare Church
- 11/25/09 - Mark Young
- 11/25/09 - Fred Gondzar
- 11/25/09 - Lynn K. Pourier and Frances C. Williams
- 11/25/09 - Bill and Anne Boylan
- 11/25/09 - Kelly J. Wolf
- 11/25/09 - Don Voorhees, Mayor City of Hill City
- 11/25/09 - Steve Schjodt
- 11/30/09 - Wayne Coon
- 11/30/09 - Margaret Digmann
- 11/30/09 - Sue Swartz
- 11/30/09 - Charles Bursack
- 11/30/09 - Bob Morgret
- 11/30/09 - Earl Chrysler
- 11/30/09 - John D. "J.D." Peppmeier
- 11/30/09 - Lee and Afton Moss
- 11/30/09 - Dave Schneider, Mayor of Belle Fourche
- 12/01/09 - Kathy Hoesley
- 12/01/09 - Mrs. Norman Hertel
- 12/02/09 - Brett Burditt and response from Chairman Johnson
- 12/03/09 - M. Grossman
- 12/04/09 - Virginia and Norm Wager
- 12/07/09 - Colleen Courtney
- 12/07/09 - Lois Ward and Response from Chairman Johnson
- 12/07/09 - Lane Anderson
- 12/11/09 - Harold D. Stickney, Mayor of Custer City
- 12/14/09 - Lorna Squyer
- 12/15/09 - Bernie Reausaw
- 12/16/09 - Diane Fisher
- 12/18/09 - JoAnn Schmitz
- 01/05/10 - Public Opinion Petition
- 01/06/10 - Rick Meyer and response from Chairman Johnson
- 01/11/10 - Raymond French, Town of Keystone Board President
- 01/11/10 - Harry Maddux
- 01/14/10 - Roger Gregory
- 01/25/10 - Barbara Pyle
- 01/25/10 - Helen Schold
- 01/28/10 - DeLores Comack
- 02/26/10 - Randy Wolfe and response from Chairman Johnson
- 02/26/10 - Bob Berman and response from Chairman Johnson
- 02/26/10 - Roger Fischer
- 03/01/10 - Carol Brookens
- 03/01/10 - Lorayne Schaefer
- 03/01/10 - Faye & Gordon Potter
- 03/03/10 - Russ Brown and response from Chairman Johnson
- 03/03/10 - Mickey Snook
- 03/08/10 - Pat Kulhavy
- 03/08/10 - Mrs. Peter J. Nicholson
- 03/08/10 - Roger W. Gregory
- 03/17/10 - James Roling and response from Commissioner Hanson
- 03/17/10 - Reply Comments of James Roling and response from Commissioner Hanson
- 03/18/10 - M L Hanson and repsonse from Chairman Johnson
- 03/18/10 - Maxine Boone
- 03/19/10 - Steve Hyk and response from Chairman Johnson
- 03/19/10 - Kevin O'Dea and response from Chairman Johnson
- 03/19/10 - Mick and response from Chairman Johnson
- 03/19/10 - Jim Roling and response from Chairman Johnson
- 03/19/10 - Marshall Deibert and response from Chairman Johnson
- 03/19/10 - Theodore Schultz and response from Chairman Johnson
- 03/19/10 - Gary Ladner and response from Chairman Johnson
- 03/19/10 - Dale Casteel and response from Chairman Johnson
- 03/19/10 - Chris Shreves and response from Chairman Johnson
- 03/19/10 - Lyle Casteel and response from Chairman Johnson
- 03/19/10 - Tom Thorson and response from Chairman Johnson
- 03/19/10 - Charles Christie and response from Chairman Johnson
- 03/22/10 - Steve Hyk and response from Chairman Johnson
- 03/25/10 - Dorothy Amick
- 03/29/10 - Sue McCormick and response from Commissioner Hanson
- 03/29/10 - Justin Nauta and response from Chairman Johnson
- 03/30/10 - Thomas Baillargeon
- 04/05/10 - Louise Rohlf
- 04/06/10 - Constituent
- 04/06/10 - John Wilkinson
- 04/07/10 - Lonnie Burnham
- 04/09/10 - Rose Jarvis
- 04/14/10 - Janice Mullen
- 04/14/10 - Louis Leahy
- 04/15/10 - Constituent and response from Chairman Johnson
- 04/15/10 - Francie Ruebel-Alberts and response from Chairman Johnson
- 04/19/10 - Lois Ward and response from Chairman Johnson
- 04/23/10 - Lee Dennison and response from Chairman Johnson
- 04/23/10 - Rapid City Area School District 51/4
- 04/26/10 - Dennis Stoltz
- 05/03/10 - Iron Horse Campground
- 05/05/10 - Larry and Pauline Olson
- 05/13/10 - Pam Adamson
- 05/17/10 - Jim Eichinger
- 05/17/10 - Melvin S. Carlson
- 05/19/10 - John N. Ellyson
- 05/21/10 - Doris Schenk
- 05/24/10 - Don Atyia and response from Chairman Johnson
- 05/25/10 - Jack Idmen and response from Chairman Johnson
- 05/25/10 - Penny Lore and response from Chairman Johnson
- 05/25/10 - Mike Paver and response from Chairman Johnson
- 06/02/10 - Dallas Dietrich, Meeting the Need
- 06/25/10 - Dr. Brian Smith & Tamara Lawson