TC16-009 - In the Matter of the Application of Clarity Telecom, LLC dba Vast Broadband for an Amended Certificate of Authority
Date Filed: 06/20/16 ♦ Intervention Date: 07/08/16 ♦
Date of Notice of Filing: 06/23/16 ♦ Docket Closed: 11/17/16
Date of Notice of Filing: 06/23/16 ♦ Docket Closed: 11/17/16
November 8, 2016, Amended Agenda of Commission Meeting
August 2, 2016, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of November 8, 2016, Commission Meeting
Minutes of August 2, 2016, Commission Meeting
- 08/04/16 - Order Granting Intervention (South Dakota Telecommunications Association, Brookings Municipal Utilities dba Swiftel Communications, and MCC Telephony of the Midwest, Inc. dba Mediacom)
- 11/17/16 - Order Granting Withdrawal of Application, Dismissing and Closing Docket
- 06/20/16 - Clarity Telecom, LLC dba Vast Broadband's Letter regarding Amended COA
- 07/08/16 - SDTA's Letter regarding Petition to Intervene
- 07/08/16 - Petition to Intervene of Brookings Municipal Utilities
- 07/19/16 - Notice of Appearance (Brett Koenecke)
- 07/22/16 - Opposition to Petition of SDTA to Intervene and Certificate of Service
- 07/25/16 - Staff's Memorandum in Response to Opposition to Petition of SDTA to Intervene
- 07/27/16 - Clarity Telecom, LLC's Certificate of Service
- 07/27/16 - MCC Telephony of the Midwest, Inc. dba Mediacom's Petition for Intervention
- 08/23/16 - Affidavit of Mary J. Sisak for Admission Pro Hac Vice
- 09/13/16 - Motion for Admission of Non-Resident Pro Hac Vice (Mary J. Sisak)
- 09/20/16 - Order Granting Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Mary J. Sisak
- 09/22/16 - Response of Clarity Telecom, LLC to Petitions to Intervene and Certificate of Service
- 09/28/16 - Attachments to Response of Clarity Telecom, LLC to Petitions to Intervene Filed on September 22, 2016
- 10/03/16 - Brookings Municipal Utilities dba Swiftel Communications' Discovery Requests to Clarity Telecom, LLC dba Vast Broadband Certificate of Service
- 10/25/16 - Clarity Telecom, LLC's Motion to Dismiss Clarity Telecom, LLC's Application for Amended Certificate of Authority
- 11/17/16 - Docket Closed