EL18-029 - In the Matter of the Application of Black Hills Power Inc. dba Black Hills Energy for Approval of Its Tax Cut and Jobs Act Proposal
Date Filed: 06/29/18 ♦ Intervention Date: 07/20/18 ♦
Date of Notice of Filing: 07/05/18 ♦ Docket Closed: 01/02/19
Docket Reopened: 01/14/19
♦ Docket Reclosed: 02/04/19
February 1, 2019, Agenda of Commission Meeting
December 28, 2018, Agenda of Commission Meeting
September 4, 2018, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of February 1, 2019 Commission Meeting
Minutes of December 28, 2018 Commission Meeting
Minutes of September 4, 2018, Commission Meeting
- 09/07/18 - Order Granting Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation; Order Approving Settlement Stipulation
- 12/28/18 - Order Approving Revised Rates and Associated Tariff Revisions on Less Than 30 Days' Notice
- 02/04/19 - Order Approving Second One-Time Bill Credit
- 06/29/18 - Black Hills Energy's Application
- Exhibit 1 - Direct Testimony of Kyle D. White
- Exhibit 2 - Direct Testimony of Lee Watkins
- Exhibit 3 - Direct Testimony of Michael C. Clevinger
- MCC-1 - Settlement Revenue Requirement Model as Presented by PUC Staff in Proceeding No. EL14-026
- MCC-1 - Settlement Revenue Requirement Model as Presented by PUC Staff in Proceeding No. EL14-026 Confidential (not available to the public)
- MCC-1 - Settlement Revenue Requirement Model as Presented by PUC Staff in Proceeding No. EL14-026 Confidential (not available to the public) Excel Format
- MCC-2 - Revenue Requirement Model updated to reflect the new 21% FIT Rate
- MCC-2 - Revenue Requirement Model updated to reflect the new 21% FIT Rate Confidential (not available to the public)
- MCC-2 - Revenue Requirement Model updated to reflect the new 21% FIT Rate Confidential (not available to the public) Excel Format
- MCC-1 - Settlement Revenue Requirement Model as Presented by PUC Staff in Proceeding No. EL14-026
- Exhibit 4 - Direct Testimony of Charles R. Gray
- 08/28/18 - Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation Between South Dakota Public Utilities Commission Staff and Black Hills Power, Inc.
- 08/29/18 - Staff Memorandum Supporting Settlement Stipulation
- 08/31/18 - Revised Attachment KDW-2 - Workpaper Supporting the Proposed Credit Rates for the One-Time 2018 Credit
- 12/14/18 - Black Hills Energy's Letter regarding Proof of Revenue, Rate Schedules and Revised Tariff Pages
- Attachment 1 - Proof of Revenue
- Attachment 2 - Rate Schedules Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 3 - Tariff Pages
- 12/21/18 - Black Hills Energy's Letter regarding Amended Attachment 2 and 3
- 12/26/18 - Amended Attachment 2 - Rate Schedules (Page 2)
- Amended Attachment 3 - Tariff Pages
- 01/02/19 - Docket Closed
- 01/04/19 - Black Hills Energy's Letter regarding Revised Tariff Pages
- 01/14/19 - Black Hills Power Inc. dba Black Hills Energy's Proposal for a Second One-Time Bill Credit to True-Up Its 2018 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Customer Benefit
- 02/04/19 - Docket Reclosed