Exhibitors Showcase

Twenty-eight vendors serving the pipeline safety industry participated in the Exhibitor Showcase at the 2013 South Dakota/North Dakota/Wyoming Pipeline Safety Operator Training event coordinated by the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission. Thank you to these exhibitors for making the training event possible.




Registered Exhibitors

Allied Valve, Inc.

Applied Control

Border States

Clock Spring

DeRossett Co.

Ditch Witch of South Dakota

EN Engineering

Energy Economics, Inc.

Energy Worldnet, Inc.

Farwest Corrosion Control Co.

FEI Inc.

FlagShooter, LLC

GAS Products Sales, Inc.

GC Products

GE Oil & Gas / Dresser Inc.

General Corrosion Corp.

Groebner & Associates

Heath Consultants Inc.

Lasen Inc.

Locators & Supplies, Inc.
Mueller Co.

Nelson Technologies, Inc.

Picarro Inc.

Q3 Contracting, Inc.
Structural Integrity Associates

Veriforce, LLC

ViaData LP

WBI Energy Corrosion Services